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May 16, 2007



What a great tribute to an awesome mother....and you guys did an awesome job!!


Denise Holzman

What a beautiful family! I'm an old friend of Tracey's from Cape Cod. I was thinking about her today and all the fun we used to have. I decided to google her name and see what came up. I was so happy to see this web site. It's so true that Tracey would love to keep people connected.

I worked with Tracey at a couple of banks on the Cape way back - from about 1976 to 1986. I remember when she met Charlie and fell in love. ( I never saw anyone so in love) We had a big party for them when they moved to Texas. Everyone dressed up like cowboys and cowgirls and we decorated my house western style. It was a blast!!

It was fun to see all the pictures on this site. I would like to post some of the pictures I have from the "old days". I'll try to figure out the technology!

I'm glad to see that Tracey's family looks happy and healthy!

Tracey was truly one of a kind. I miss her very much.

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